
How To Detect Hail Damage To Your Roof

By 01.10.2024 No Comments
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When you hear something knocking above the house (and most often it is due to large hailstones), concern about the condition of the roof immediately arises. And even after bad weather has passed and the appearance does not cause suspicion at first glance, this does not mean that the hail did not cause damage. And over time, the damage will only increase. That is why it is important to correctly assess the consequences of this unpleasant natural phenomenon.’s roofers emphasize that hail is a rather serious enemy of a roof, and the impact in a matter of seconds can lead to the appearance of micro-cracks, dents and other damage, which over time will become more noticeable and dangerous. And regardless of the type of roof, hail can leave visible marks that require immediate intervention by specialists. Otherwise… Well, let’s take everything in order!

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Noticeable dents on the roof

One of the first and most obvious signs of hail damage is dente in various roof components. They are especially noticeable on metal surfaces – even small hits from these ice pebbles can leave obvious marks. When inspecting, it is important to pay attention to:

  • Dents on metal parts, such as gutters and cornices.
  • Small cracks and chips on tiles or other roofing material
  • Impact marks on soft roofing material, such as asphalt shingles

The damage depends on the amount and speed of precipitation: the larger and harder the hail, the greater the damage. Strong hits can lead to the destruction of entire roof elements, which over time will inevitably lead to leaks and much more serious problems.

And what about roof tile?

This type of roofing is more resistant to the assault of frozen precipitation compared to other types of roofing material. But it is also subject to the destructive effects of hail. Heavy hailstones can chip off pieces of tiles, which can lead to cracks or even complete destruction of individual elements.

The main signs of damage to a tile roof:

  • Cracks in individual tiles, especially at the corners.
  • Chipped pieces of tile that can be seen in the gutters or on the ground.
  • Uneven color, indicating chips or scratches.

And although such damage may not immediately lead to leaks, over time it significantly weakens the roof.

How does a metal roof stand up to hail?

Metal roofs, especially popular in the southern states, are very durable. But again, this does not mean that they are completely protected from hail. Dents and deformations in the metal also lead to gradual weakening of the roof, and therefore – weakening its functionality.

Some key points to pay attention to when inspecting a metal roof:

  • Small dents on the surface, which, although, not always noticeable, can cause water leaks.
  • Cracks in the joints and fasteners where the hail strikes were most intense.
  • Deformations of the edges of the metal sheets, which can cause the roof to de-seal.

Damaged spots can feel soft

Another important sign of damage is a change on the texture of the roofing. Depending on the material, some areas may become soft to the touch or lose their rigidity. This is especially true for asphalt shingles, which can crumble or become less dense when exposed to hail.

What it looks like:

  • Soft spots of the roof that bend when lightly pressed.
  • Areas where the asphalt shingle granules have been partially or completely beaten off by hailstones.
  • Small cracks and holes that may not be noticeable, but are dangerous for the roof’s water-tightness.

Such damage must be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

How to determine whether the roof is damaged without climbing up?

man climbing on a roof

To determine this, it is not at all necessary to climb up. Sometimes this is due to the lack of necessary equipment or simply unwillingness to do it. However, there are several effective ways to help identify damage without having to climb up.

The first thing to do is to pay attention to the gutters. If small debris or granules accumulate in them, this may be a sign that the roofing has been damaged. Hail, hitting the roof, often destroys the protective layer, leaving behind crumbs and fragments of material that fall into the drain.

Next, you should inspect the windows and doors for dents or scratches. If the hail was so big that it left markings on those surfaces, it is likely the roof has also been damaged. This damage can be easily seen with the naked eye.

Another way is to inspect the area around the house. Often after a strong hail, fragments of roofing, tiles or other building materials that could’ve broken off from the roof remain on the ground. If such fragments are found, this is a sure sign that the roof needs professional inspection and possible repair.

If one or more of these signs are found, you should immediately contact specialists for further assessment of its condition.

What happens if roof damage is not mended?

As mentioned, ignoring roof damage caused by hail can have serious consequences. Although the damage may seem minor, small cracks and dents develop into more serious issues.

What can happen if the damage is not repaired:

  • Even small cracks and holes can cause water to leak during heavy rain, causing damage to the interior of the house.
  • If water begins to pout inside, it can weaken the roof structure, significantly reducing its service life.
  • Constant presence of moisture in the house can contribute to the appearance of mold, which not only destroys materials, but also poses a health risk to residents.

So, ignoring the damage is not just a risk of leaks, but also a threat to the safety of the house and its inhabitants.


Understanding what hail damage looks like on a roof is an important aspect of maintaining the longevity and safety of your home. Hail is a rather unpredictable force of nature that can cause significant damage to even the most durable roofs. Regardless of the type of roof, it is important to closely monitor its condition after a hailstorm and promptly repair any damage that is detected.

Remember that timely repairs can prevent further damage and save a lot of money in the future. Remember to inspect your roof regularly and seek professional help at the first sign of damage.

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